Monday, May 11, 2009
Every day we go to the same shopping center for lunch, because there's nowhere else nearby to go. There's a McDonalds, a Little Caesars Pizza and a Shawarma Express, which would be great, but none of them are open yet. Thought I'd take you along on our journey...
There seems to be a new subdivision popping up all around the 360 Mall, with streets of new homes and a mini shopping center built so far. Directly adjacent to the mall parking lot is what was supposed to be a huge new tennis center, but construction has been put on hold indefinitely due to a feud between the developer and contractor.
These are all new single family dwellings. Massive and ugly, although I've seen much worse. Also, notice the pick-up truck and suburban in the background. Both popular vehicle choices in Kuwait.

In addition to a grocery store called Zarra, there's a Starbucks and a Mr. Baker which has little finger sandwiches which are pretty good and cheap. They also have lots of dessert items (display case shown above). What Kuwait lacks in alcohol it makes up in sugar. Sweets everywhere, not to mention the super syrupy "cocktails" they serve. I've eaten more ice cream since I've been here then I have in the last six months. Haagen Daas, Dippin' Dots, Dairy Queen... everything that would be a bar in the U.S. is a dessert place here.
My Peeps
These are some of the people I've spent the past 11 days with. Since my primary job is to make sure everything is taken care of on the floor while the guys put glass on metal, I end up spending a lot of time chatting with everyone, from the clients to the workers to the Chair of Coffee Republic Kuwait (huh?). Today I think I may have agreed to trade a piece of glass for a fifth of Black Label Johnnie Walker, but I'm not entirely sure...
The workers are my favorite, though. We have around 4-6 of them assigned to us a day, and they all speak very broken english, if any. Since it's my responsibility to manage them, my habit of talking flamboyantly with my hands and penchant for overly honest facial expressions is coming in handy. If all else fails, I just start doing whatever needs to be done myself, and within seconds, there's an army of men relieving me from my task.
The guy in the middle is Tariq. The very first thing I noticed when I met him were his stunning green eyes - an unusual characteristic in this part of the world. Turns out he's from the Swat Valley, but thankfully doesn't have any family there anymore and never plans to return. Anshea, on the other hand (to the right), is also from the Swat Valley and his entire family is there. I asked him if he was worried about them, and he said they were safe because the army was surrounding their village. He also told me this afternoon that I'm the first female outside his family he's ever spoken to. His english is sometimes hard to understand, so I rephrased it back to him in about 4 different ways just to make sure I'd heard right. Holy crap! He explained that this whole time, he's been trying to stand on the opposite side of the work area from me because he felt ashamed. Strangely, I didn't even notice, since I'm grateful for any personal space I can get.
This is the guy at the security gate/rope who greets us in exactly this manner every time we enter or leave the property.
The workers are my favorite, though. We have around 4-6 of them assigned to us a day, and they all speak very broken english, if any. Since it's my responsibility to manage them, my habit of talking flamboyantly with my hands and penchant for overly honest facial expressions is coming in handy. If all else fails, I just start doing whatever needs to be done myself, and within seconds, there's an army of men relieving me from my task.
Is this supposed to make me feel safer?
Today they added a security post to the entrance of our hotel parking lot, where they make you stop and then search under your car with a mirror. Awesome. As if the metal detectors and bag scanner at the entrance weren't enough...
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Old Souk
Last night we ventured out of our neighborhood and headed downtown to check out the Old Souk. It was definitely the most interesting thing we've done since we've been here, and I only wished we could have spent more time. Here are some photos of our short visit.
Hookah vendor.
Prayer/Meditation beads. Really gorgeous and surprisingly really expensive. The few we asked about ranged from KD 70 - 90 (around $250).
Just chillin'.
Notice the lack of women in all these pictures? Especially uncloaked? Needless to say, I stick out like a sore thumb in this country.
The Souk equivalent of a food court.
The mist you see in the background is coming out of those lines that string across the eating area. There are also giant fans that blow mist onto the patrons. Pretty handy when you're eating dinner at 9pm and it's 93 degrees.
Probably the best and cheapest meal we've had since we got here.
Tiny tea w/ sugar.
Liberation Tower and the moon.
Driving in Kuwait...
With this knowledge, we originally chose not to rent a car, but realized early on that we would desperately need one if we didn't want to waste hours of our day waiting for taxis. So, every day we set off, Essential Club Anthems 2003-2005 rocking our tape deck, and risk our lives just to drive 5 miles to work. The traffic is horrendous, people drive whatever speed they feel like, changing lanes without looking, slamming on their brakes in the middle of the highway... Tonight, we actually saw a guy driving in reverse on the shoulder of the freeway back to the exit he missed. Not surprising, considering the popular practice of shooting directly across 4 lanes of traffic 50 yards from an exit, as if the exit suddenly appeared out of nowhere and must be reached immediately. All highly entertaining, until you realize that you're actually in a vehicle and not behind the plastic steering wheel of a Pole Position arcade game.
Random Photos from the Job Site
Thursday, May 7, 2009
This is Shafaat with a pillow he made today out of packing foam, tape, cleaning diapers and hanging wire. Shafaat is one of the workers who's been assigned to help our team every day and every hour we're at the job site. The extent of his help ranges from hauling boxes, laying out floor protection, taking things out of my hand when I still need them, putting things away we're still using and bringing me candy every morning. I adore this guy, but am incredibly grateful when he goes to prayer each day and I can actually walk without tripping over him.
Safaat is Pakistani and works to support his entire family back in Pakistan - mother, father and a number of younger siblings. He makes 150 Kuwaiti Dinar a month (about $500 USD). Of this 150 KD, he spends 50 KD for room and board, 10 KD for his cell phone, and sends 50 KD to his family. The remaining 50 KD goes towards paying back the cost of his travel over here.
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